February 26, 2018
At the February School Board meeting, the Board approved an item presented by Dr Steve Gallon III and co-sponsored by School Board Chair Perla Tabares Hantman, and Board members Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman, Lubby Navarro, and Mari Tere Rojas.
This item seeks to provide targeted, intentional counseling, as well as emotional and psychological support to K-12 Haitian and immigrant students enrolled in Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) and their families that may be experiencing trauma due to an anticipated end to Temporary Protective Status (TPS) scheduled for July 22, 2019. The item also seeks to provide support to adult learners enrolled in M-DCPS, as well as district employees that may also be impacted. Lastly, this item seeks to work with approved and appropriate community-based organizations that share the same mission and purpose in assisting and supporting children, youth, adults, and families that will be impacted by an end to TPS.